My experience for the first time doing Maritime mobile at South China Sea approximately at Latitude: 4.609833 Longitude: 104.8125 travelling by fishermen small ship more than 8 hours. The deep sea fishing has been planned early 2018 and incidentally the date are the same with Field Day event by Malaysia Amateur Radio League (MARL). So I brought along my home brew HF 40 meter band (called as JJ from Bandung) with mobile home brew mobile antenna given by YB0OO. After given permission by boat captain, I manage to QSO with several Field Day stations and YB land station with 5 by 9. Unfortunately sea waves quite high between 2 to 3 meters high unable to proceed with fishing activity.
EsHail-2 – Satelit Geostationary Pertama Radio Amatur

Pertama kali apabila saya mendapat tahu bahawa Persatuan Radio Amatur Qatar (Qatar Amateur Radio Society (QARS)) telah melancarkan module radio amatur mereka bersama dengan satelit komersial negara mereka yang diberi nama Es’hail-2, saya sangat teruja kerana sudah lama saya perkara sedemikian tergambar difikiran saya. Carian demi carian dan pembacaan di…